Monday, September 1, 2008

Annette and Isidro's Engagement Session

Annette and Isidro are the sweetest couple you'll ever meet. They're like an old married couple:)
Their wedding will be in Miami at one of my favorite hotels, the Mandarin Oriental, but they felt their engagement shoot should take place in New York. Not only do they live there, but it's where their relationship began.

The married couple making one cares in N.Y.

Coney Island...yes, there's a beach in NY!

...and it's also 100+ degrees.

What a skyline...WOW!

Morimoto's (Iron Chef's) new restaurant...Yum

I thought this wall said it all! What you don't see, is the greasy floor full of meat lard that covers that sidewalk...slip and slide, anyone?

Suba...the restaurant where it all began for them.

I hate to leave NY, but Miami's calling:)

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